Saturday, May 15, 2010 • 12:03 AM • 0 comments
It's over. It really finish. No turning back or whatever. Seriously , I'm damn SAD. Who din't sad right ??? I can't do anything so do HIM. I'm SORRY for whatever I've done to you. The way I'm thinking of myself and selfish to you , the way where I din't even think of you , the way I make you to choose a hard desicion , the way I'm so irritates you , the way that I always make you feel unright , the way that I always bully you and the way I make you fall for me. I'm so so SORRY. Really !! Sincerely from my heart. 4 month and 23 days of our relationship is the sweetest memory for me. I hope it's for you too. Things that are our memories :-

1st :
Your first text message that makes my heart melts.

2nd :
Our first date during John's birthday.

3rd :
Your Valentine present.

4th :
Starcruise trip together.

5th :
They way you protect me.

6th :
Text from you asking me to study. [ because of this I really got great results that I din even get before ]

7th :
Your cheers that makes my days bright again.

8th :
Where you always there when I need you.

9th :
Sweet text from you every time we had a full month.

10th :
The word '' I Love You '' from you that makes my life complete.

But now , it's all gone. Fully dissapears. What you says was right !! I must had hate you alot right now. YES , I AM. Because you're the one who makes me fall for you , you're the one who I needed the most when I'm down , you're the one who I LOVE the most. I still hope that there is a change. I hope we still can together. Even though after your term finish. We still can together. No matter what obstacle , we can still together. I'm giving up. Really !! You mean alot to me. Can it just turn back to the time we don't have all this problem. I *HEART* So Much NG CHOONG SERN. Really !!!

HAI! A Libra blogger. Started to blog since 2006.


" Change with yours "



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