Saturday, June 5, 2010 • 1:02 AM • 0 comments
Did I mention I go for 3 event today. My god. It was tired. First , around 6.40am I reach school. Tired and I have to wait till Angel go my house oli can go. Reach there , quickly find the Arabian anthem. Seriously , I taught that lost edy. Arhhh. At least , I found it. Somehow , our IU was great. Super duper great but a few people come. Haih. Damn dissapointed. Thanks to my ACS guys that support me so much. Thanks Scott , Shaun , Edmund , Jia Jia , Pravin , Sam and his friend. From La Salle , Sukhdip. Btw , know what ?? From High School only 4 people come. Anyways , thanks to Choong Sern , Pek He , Jian Wei and John for attending. And to those who performing. You guys done a great jobs. Salute you people lah. And thanks to those who helps alot. Thnks so much. Around 12.45 like that , our IU finish edy. We kemas kemas then ready to go High School IU. Us around 16 people went for High School IU but only 4 of them came our IU. So dissappointed. Their's was great too but I prefer my school more. Only their video damn nice. Hahaha. At night , I went for Leo Youth Night. Me , Arvin , Andy , Tommy, Krishpal , Simon , Jason , Shaun , Bhavan , Nicole , Izzaty , Shazana , Mia , Shukry , Aiman , Edmund , Wee King , Jia Jia , Maesze sayang and Nicole darling went too. Me , Shaun , Arvin , Andy , Wee King and Edmund same table. LOL-sss. First of the show , me , Arvin and Andy feel so damn boring then we plan to go Jusco watch movie. Ended up got no movie to watch , so we go back to the hall. We all like damn high at there. Talking , laughing , taking pictures. Nicole is the high-est. My god. However , it was a really nice day. First day of holiday. And one more thing , HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARVINDER SINGH. Finally 6teen. May god bless you and congrats you get the President post. Bye~~

HAI! A Libra blogger. Started to blog since 2006.


" Change with yours "



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