International Understanding Day's
Saturday, May 14, 2011 • 3:23 PM • 0 comments
I've walk so far for Interact, been through every event that had been organised and I really miss it. I got the feeling to blog suddenly and I don't know why. Let me summarize about IU's that I've been before. My first IU was Batu Unjur's IU Day 2009. Next was High School's IU Day 2009. 2010 start with Convent's IU Day.

Basiclly , it's just okay I can say. Too many people and very hot. We have to sit on floor and messy la. But the food was nice and overall okay. Rate 6/10.

Next, La Salle's IU Day.

This was okay also, country is Malaysia but overall more to India. Hahahaha. Alot of people too, full house weih. Performance was great, so it's okay. Rate 7/10.

ACS's IU Day.

Most awesome IU of all, I like the sketch and the last band. Powerful and awesome-ness. Great IU of all. Rate 9.9/10.

Sultan Abdul Samad's IU Day.

This one not bad tho but I hate the lion dance cause I scare of that thing. The crowd was quite bad. Overall nice la. Rate 8/10.

Taman Klang Utama's IU Day.

Not bad, Korea sounds nice. The performance was good. The crowd was good too. Rate 8/10.

Batu Unjur's IU Day.

Not bad la, quite alot of people. The performance was good and really great. Hahahaha, the food was nice too. Rate 8/10.

High School's IU Day.

Same date of IU as mine. Their's in the evening and ours morning. Getting dead crowd cause the night later on got Leo Youth Night. Not bad la. I like the sketch. Rate 7/10.

For 2011, the first IU is the combination of Sultan Abdul Samad and MGS's IU Day.

This one full house support. For the first time 2 school combine and they got over 500 people came. The food sucks. But still okay la. Rate 7/10.

Convent's IU Day.

The IU was okay la, not bad. They give us sit on chair for part 1 and part 2 on the floor -.- the food was okay. Not very grand also. The performance from the embassey was nice. Rate 8/10.

ACS's IU Day.

This year was nice also but last year more nice. I like every performances from the IU. Such funny and nice drama and singings. Awesome. Rate 9/10.

High School's IU Day.

Awesome IU this year, I became the photographer for the event. Taking Andy's camera around snapping photos. The deco was nice. The first part kinda messy but somehow it look's good la. The dance of Bhavan and Andy awesome and Chun Kit's singing was nice too. Rate 8/10.

Today I attended my last IU Day that is Taman Klang Utama's IU Day. Went there with Sukhu, Arvin, Andy and Wei Keat. Munesh there too. The IU was not bad but such bad crowd. The embassey's performances was nice. Rate 8/10.

I'm so gonna miss IU Day's. IU Day stands for International Understanding Day which you can learn bout culture of different country and all. I gonna miss all of it.

HAI! A Libra blogger. Started to blog since 2006.


" Change with yours "



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