Tuesday, August 31, 2010 • 8:49 PM • 0 comments
Wake up late today . Hahaha . I'm like '' oh god , I'm late . People waiting for me '' . Get up straight go have bath and all . Get ready then go fetch Angel and Jas . Reach Klang Club and saw alot of RZ student there with our '' new '' club t-shirt . Hahahaha . Went and find Arvin and all . Give back the things that I shouldn't keep . Finally , it's not with me anymore . Saw Izzat and Yenchyi . First time see=ing Yenchyi in Interact activity . It's like first time so many people from RZ also . Nvm . Things change . Hahaha . Gather up at the basketball court of Klang Club . Start with briefing and all . Then , there goes the banner . Next with RZ and others schools follow up . Walk around Klang Town . Shouting and asking all the cars and buses to honk . AWESOME !!! One thing . Very '' hot '' OMG . But fun . After all went back to Klang Club and had our lunch . Then got the presentation of each scholls masterpiece . Next got koir from Batu Unjur , we got star of La Salle , Matthew . Lastly , combination of ACS and Convent . Few people singing , HERE IN MY HOME . Suppose to go movie with Yenchyi . But ended up din't go cause I don't really wana join all those Convent and High School guys . But lepak-ing with Arvin at Klang Club till 12++ until I get text from Rtn. Aaron asking not to lepak and balik . Hahaha . We talk alot of things . Hahaha . Mum fetch me back and I sleep after eat . Super tired . LOL . This is some of the photos .

HAI! A Libra blogger. Started to blog since 2006.


" Change with yours "



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