Monday, August 9, 2010 • 8:49 PM • 0 comments
Back to blogging peeps . Alots of thing happen until I dunno should start my story from where . Let's see . Not blogging for so long is because I'm got alot of secret to be kept . Shouldn't tell it out . I'm suffering alone . Ahhh! But I'm finee already . Getting back my normal life.

Okay . Bukit Kuda Carnival . Went there with Jas . Girls outing . Hahaha . Just joking . Saw alot of High School people and mostly I know one . Hahaha . Met Vanessa . She 'jaga' toilet there . Cool right ? Haha . Lameee ! Enter the school only straight saw Chun Kit , Chee Siang , Jian Wei and afew his friends . Then my cousie Andy Koh . Lepak-ing with Calvin and Jasdeep . Walk around . Buy some food . I guess Jas and I round the school quite many times . Met John , Pek He and Choong Sern . Also met my crazy dude Tee Hock Han . He went with his friends and he gave me alots of sweets . Siao . Around 2 , Jas's uncle come and pick us home . Gonna sleep awhile then get ready for rally .

Went ISCF Rally with classmates . First time going out with them . Karen , Evonne , Gy , Caryn and Karen's babe , Vivien . Hahaha . She damn tall . Sits beside my twins , Karen Goh . Hahaha . All of us buy the shirts . Niceeee ! Met damn lots of friends there . Half interact babe and half tuition babe . Ailin and Matt , emcee of the day . Damn 'cun' . Chun Kit , Tommy and Andy was there too . My sayang , Maesze and Shin Ying . Saw Hao Jia . And lots lots more . The whole thing was nice . The drama was nice . Din't know Bryan can act . But it really suits him as a gengster . Hahaha . So , ISCF Rally was AWESOME !!

Tuition as usual today . Weird thing is Puan Sunita din't even ask me a question today . Oh . Thank god . Hahaha . After tuition , having meeting with those High School people . Hahaha . I'm shock weih . They eat alots . Omg . Especially Simon and Tommy . Unpredictable . Haha . Have fun . Talking , discussing and alots . Next time lets go modern again .

Next , Pesta Permainan . And this year , I take part in pingpong . Last year was basketball . I get number 3 . Count not bad la . But last year number 1 . Nvm . Hahaha . Have to 'salahkan' Karen Goh la . Keep on wish me lose . Haiyo . If not sure can get number 1 de . Class sales . Not bad . Profit quite alot . Interact sales . Not bad also . Tired day .

Sunday girls outing . Went movie with Karen Goh . Hahaha . Watch "SALT" . Oh em gee . Can I say that I'm jealous of Angelina Jolie . Damn hot weih . Cannot 'tahan' . I need lots of ices . Haha . Went popular to meet her . And she standing beside me while I'm reading the synopsis of 'Dear John' and i din't even realise she standing beside me . Oh god . She reading some children storybooks . Hahaha . Movie at 3 . At populat alomost 1 hour . I guess . After movie . Go walk walk . Enter every shop at Jusco cause we were insane people . Buy McFlurry . Eat walk eat walk . Quite fun . And know what ? Damn lots of people jealous I went out with Karen ! You should be proud . Hahaha .

Exam coming . Tomorrow Sejarah and Moral . Sejarah oh Sejarah . Why when I read you but you din't even wana enter my head . I gonna bang the book to my head edi lah . Stressful week again . Btw , upgrade my club's facebook and blog . Go and check it out .

HAI! A Libra blogger. Started to blog since 2006.


" Change with yours "



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