Child Health Crisis
Monday, August 8, 2011 • 8:25 PM • 1 comments

I join this this year. Famine 30. I went for Rymond's Camp eventhough I don't know him but after joining it, he is superb. My first time and last time to join cause Rymond don't wana organize anymore next year but I hope he will. 2 days camp is really worth. At first, I still thinking whether I manage to handle or not, I got gastric. But after I reach the place. I bet I can manage it. I saw hundreds of people fasting with me. So why not? Story line of whole journey. I wake up around 6am and reach school around 7.30am. Waited for bus and my leader is Foong May. She is super responsible and a good leader. Me and some of my friends sit the same bus with the volunteer and we very cool eventhough there is one girl volunteer trying to make us communicate but we just don't want and ended up she give up. We all keep quite in the bus throughout the whole journey to SRJK (C) Sungai Way. Reach there register and sit with my friends. I'm in the Group 8. After awhile, Rymond ask to sit according to group for Ice Breaking. My group member super cool one lo. We less talk until the modelling part. I still remember our model is Chun Khan. He dont want to be our model but still he agree at last. He is a good model. All of us get 3 packs of soya and to be honest, after you drank that you wont feel hungry. I had my last packs of soya the next day in the morning, I feel like vomit. Hahahahaha. The best part of all is Rymond's talk. He really inspired me. Really! His talk teach me alot of things that for my entire life I wouldn't learn that. Next time when I grew older I wana be one of the camp leader. I wana help those kids. When I see the video of a guy experiencing the life in Ethiopia, I feel like going there. Good job Rymond, I salute you :) Next game is the Family game. I'm from Myanmar and I'm a single mother. I have a child from Chung Hua name Wei Le. She is cute btw. The game is meaningful where you know how hard your parents earn money to give you everything you need. And night, my group of friends playing magic while others playing truth or dare and some already sleep. The next day, we wake up early and get ready to to Stadium. Can I frankly tell you that this is the first time I went Stadium Bukit Jalil. Awesomeshitz. At there we sit infront of stage which means near to all the artists. Woots. We play games and earn alot of shining thing to be stick on our big red hand. LOL. The game is easy cause I know the answer from the video Rymond showed us. The whole thing start at 12pm. There is over 9000+ people supporting this event. The spirit of teens weih. I'm proud to be one of them. The countdown being to start and the moment of it I don't feel hungry anymore and I don't know why. LOL. Forget to say, I saw Elecoldxhot in front of my eye. Ohmygod *melts*. Hahahahaha. Ah Niu's song is awesome. He is the ambassador for this. Overall, this is a great experience to say.

To Rymond, thanks for being our great leader. Hope you gonna organize this again every year that is coming, I won't fail to support you. Thank you so so much. You teach me that I do can help people and I already save 16 children's life. Thank you. Sadly, I din't talk much with you. Hope you recognise me! See ya again. I'm proud of you :)

Our group photo of Rymond's Camp :)

HAI! A Libra blogger. Started to blog since 2006.


" Change with yours "



  • heart and loves
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  • Don't cry because it's over, smile because it's ha...
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  • Awesomeness is ME!