Sunday, September 12, 2010 • 9:13 PM • 0 comments

Imma gona blog today cause havent been blogging since sometimes. Hahaha. Today wake up super early cause this morning Im still at PD and wana go to Sunway before 12. Reach home around 10. Get ready and around 10.40 like that go to berkeley wait Chia Yeau come fetch. Sharp 11 he there edi. Get into his car and mum like lecture him. Hahahaha . Watch Naruto in his car. Not bad la. Reach Sunway quite early. Lepak at McD since we gather at there too. Watch people skate and laugh at them. LOL. Lame. Around 12.30 all also reach edi. This time gathering got me, Sook Wen, Liang Keat, Chia Yeau, Chia Seng, Chia Liang, Hui Ru, Kayla, Wen Qi, Zhi Xiang, Soo Sin and Yen Ling. Super high inside redbox there. Like 10 years never sing like that. Dancing and singing like crazy. Super duper fun day.

Yesterday went Melaka. Go walk walk. Meet uncle and aunt that is ngam ngam celebrate there parent's birthday there. Means can count as grandma la. I duno want call her what. Happy Birthday to you. May god bless you :)) Went to Oriental Cafe to eat then walk around Melaka. After parent finish chitchat with uncle and aunt, we went back to PD again.

Friday suppose to have studygroup with Arvin, Yen Chyi, Tommy and Chun Kit. But last minute Yen Chyi cant make it so I cancel it. Sorry to Tommy and Chun Kit that have to persuade their parents so long to go for this. Anyways, parents plan to back PD that day also. So it's good Im cancelling too. Hahahaha.

Hahahaha. Actually, I wish to had a video of my birthday. Cause I see alot of people got it, so I want one. But it's quite hard to make it so I just tend to forget bout it. Hahaha. So just forget bout that. Yeahhh, I buy a shirt for my sister today. She super happy. I owe her right. Hahaha. Thank god she love it. I find a few shop oli can find that. Hahaha. I love huge huge bears. So nice. Hahahaha. And cute too. Wish to have one. I wish too much, dint I?

BYE :)

HAI! A Libra blogger. Started to blog since 2006.


" Change with yours "



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